For Educators

First 10 focuses on improving the first ten years of a child’s life by encouraging collaboration among community agencies, school districts and early education providers. Through close communication and coordination, we facilitate stronger learning techniques and smoother transitions for each child as they prepare for and enter school.

Join Us!

First 10 Community of Practice:
The purpose of the First 10 Community of Practice (F10 CoP) is to create a collaborative environment for community partners to connect and share their efforts in promoting school readiness, building social capital, and linking families to community resources through impactful early learning experiences. Additionally, this group leverages the collective knowledge and expertise of its participants to engage in innovative discussions and solution-oriented conversations, thereby supporting the commendable work being undertaken across Lancaster County.

The group includes: School District Personnel, Librarians, Home Visitors, Early Childhood Coordinators, Family Engagement Specialists, Kindergarten Teachers, Parent Volunteers, and Title 1 Coordinators and other mission aligned community partners. 

First 10 Core Team:
The First 10 Core Team meets quarterly and is open to all school districts who have growing P-3/First 10 Teams or want to know more about establishing a P-3/First 10 Team in their community. Join us to learn more about county wide initiatives, data and impact, and how to develop First 10 Plans!


Have questions or are interested in getting involved with First 10?
Reach out to Kristen Nowak at: